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The History of St Paul's Church, Stalybridge: Factsheet

Growth Action Plans

January 2012: PCC Away Day


1/ To complete phase 3 (the final phase) of the restoration, including the organ. This was achieved early in 2011.
2/ To appoint a new incumbent. This was achieved in May 2010.
3/ To maximise links with the church school – St. Paul’s Church of England Primary School. This was continued as a priority in GAP 2 (see below).


1/ To continue to maximise links with the church school. As the new Vicar I have tried to get into the school as much as possible, to help with Assemblies and as a School Governor. I have also encouraged both the school to hold services in the church and for pupils to participate in the Parade Service (these coming from the Year 6 Christian Union, known as ‘The God Squad’ – their naming not mine!). A Faculty for a new AV system has been granted, but as yet the money for such has not been raised. Of course, the AV system will also be put to other uses.
2/ To establish a Maintenance/ Development Fund to replace the Restoration Fund. This has paid for the new lounge carpet, the new PA system as well as paying for ongoing building repair work.
3/ To improve communications and welcome in the church. This links with priority 2, the installation of the new PA system. I have spoken in services about the need for us all to be aware of both absences, which may need following up (see note below on Pastoral Care in GAP Year 3), and new people in church, especially Baptism families and Wedding couples.

The big decision here was ‘should we continue with old priorities or take up new ones?’ In the end we did a bit of both!

1/ Outreach:
a/ To continue to maximise links with St. Paul’s (and other schools where possible; I have started to make links with Copley High School, initially through their generosity providing Food Hampers for the elderly at Christmas). The AV system remains a priority, the Faculty for which is granted until November 2012. The retirement of Janet Hand, as the Headteacher of St. Paul’s, has convinced us of the need for the link with the school to remain a priority.

b/ Pastoral work, particularly with the elderly. A new Pastoral Care Team was formed in GAP Year 2, even though it was not stated as a priority at the start of the year. However, due to a high number of our elderly parishioners being in poor health, it has become a priority as we go into GAP 3.

2/ Fellowship Events:
It has been acknowledged that our fellowship events have become geared towards fund raising. Although this is something we need to take into account, and not overlook, nevertheless, we hope to run a series of concerts/ events throughout the year that place the emphasis on fellowship. It has, for instance, been suggested that a once a month Prayer Evening could replace the Holy Communion with Healing Service.

3/ Lay Ministry:
This includes Lay involvement in worship in the Sunday Service. As the Vicar, to me the third Sunday is an obvious starting point. The Morning Prayer Service on that Sunday could be evolved into a Service of the Word, there is much potential to be creative and come up with something new, without abandoning the concepts of Morning Prayer. Lay involvement could be as individuals or as groups, e.g. Home Groups.

4/ Communications:
For a church as large as St. Paul’s communication is not bad (especially as we don’t, unlike most churches of our size, have a part time Secretary); nevertheless, there have, at times, been problems with co-ordinating the transfer of information. One area of benefit would be with the Maintenance/ Development Fund where, instead of simply running this Fund, we could explain where the money is going and why. Another area of benefit could be with publicity for church events through local newspapers etc. It has been suggested that we need a communications officer. Of course, this will involve finding the right person, with both time on their hands and the appropriate organisation skills!

July 2014 - PCC Away Day to consider Growth Action Plan -

The following goals for the growth of St Paul's Church were agreed: